Gjoko Zdraveski (1985) graduated at Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje and holds an MA from the same faculty. He worked as a Macedonian language lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nish for eight years. From 2014-2018, he organized Astal Projections literary evenings together with Ana Golejshka, every first Tuesday in the month at Menada café. Since 2015, he has been part of the Versopolis project. He also works as a literature editor of the Reper electronic magazine (www.reper.net.mk) and is a poetry editor of the online magazine Blesok (www.blesok.mk). He also worked as an editor in "Begemot" and "Templum" publishing houses, as well as "Okno" portal. Since February 2019, he has been a librarian at the Macedonian Language Department at "Blazhe Koneski" Faculty of Philology in Skopje.
He writes poetry, short prose and essays. He has published four books of poetry: Palindrome with Double ‘N’ (2010), house for migratory birds (2013), belleove (2016), daedicarus icaral (2017), and one book of short-short stories: Reality cut-outs (2019). His poetry has been translated into several European languages. He has taken part in poetry festivals in Europe, among which are: Trgni se! Poezija! (Wake up! Poetry!), Belgrade, 2013; Mlade rime (Young Rhymes), Ljubljana, 2013; Lirikonfest (Lyriconfest), Velenje, 2014; Ledbury Poetry Festival, Ledbury, 2015; Festival Voix Vives de Méditerranée en Méditerranée, Sѐte, 2015; Dnevi poezije in vina (Days of Poetry and Wine), Ptuj, 2015; Europejski Poeta Wolności (The European Poet of Freedom), Gdańsk, 2016; Üsküdar Şiir Festivali (Üsküdar Poetry Festival), Istanbul, 2016; Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival, Valletta, 2017. He has translated a dozen of books from Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian languages into Macedonian.