Photo of the author.
Winning Book Image
Photo of the book cover.
Lukáš Cabala lives, writes and works in Trenčín. He runs the online second-hand bookshop Čierne na bielom (Black on White). To date he has published three books of prose: Satori v Trenčíne (Satori in Trenčín), Jar v Jekaterinburgu (Spring in Ekaterinburg), and Spomenieš si na Trenčín? (Willl You Remember Trenčín? as well as children’s book Jeseň v lese (Autumn in the Forest). Two of his novellas were nominated for the Anasoft Litera Prize and the first also was also voted Book of the Year by readers of the Knižná revue literary magazine. Each title is artistically illustrated. The famous Czech illustrator and graphic artist Jindřich Janíček, the Czech magical writer and illustrator Anna Cima, who lives in Tokyo, the children’s book illustrator Csilla Dózsa and the open-air painter Juraj Toman, who is from Trenčín, have all worked with Cabala on his books. Lukáš Cabala is currently working on a wide-ranging novel as well as some new children’s books.
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Spomenieš si na Trenčín?

Lukáš Cabala's books contain magic realism along with a love of art, as well as showcase his love of Trenčín. His latest novel latest book loosely continues his previous two, but also works excellently as a stand-alone.
Cabala blurs the boundaries between yesterday. today, and tomorrow, or between here and there. He uses small fragments of story, both funny and serious, to create a map of the area, and paint a comprehensive mosaic of his characters’ lives and fates. It is decorated with beautiful paintings by Juraj Toman, which enhance the book’s atmosphere and work as an equal partner to the story.

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