Predrag Uljarevic was born in 1971 in Bileća. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro, in Podgorica. He is the founder of the publishing house Nova knjiga, where he has been employed as director and publisher since its founding in 1999. As a publisher, he has signed more than five hundred titles within the publishing production of Nova knjiga, which is currently one of the largest publishers in Montenegro and the region in terms of quality and number of published books.
He is the founder of the first large bookstore chain in Montenegro, Gradska knjižara, which operates in a dozen cities in Montenegro in attractive locations and offers over 30,000 titles.
He participated in the organization of several significant cultural events in Montenegro. He is the founder of the International Book Fair in Podgorica, which has been running continuously since 2006 and is the largest manifestation of its kind in the country and one of the most significant in the region.
He is the founder of the international literary prize Literary Flame together with the Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, who is also its first winner. He is also a jury member of the aforementioned award, chaired by Mario Vargas Llosa. Winners of the Literary Flame Award so far are some of the most significant writers of the world nowadays: Italian writer Claudio Magris, Turkish Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk and Polish essayist and poet Adam Zagajewski.
He lives and works in Podgorica.